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Sporting Elite CIC
Community Groups
Find Positive, Alternative Ways to Engage Their Young People

"I am pleased to confirm my positive experience with Sporting Elite CIC.


They have a proven track record of delivering community health and wellbeing, youth development, and sports opportunities in the Perry Barr Constituency.


This organisation is a trusted and proactive community-based asset, and as such, Perry Barr Constituency NNS has provided them with several grant funds.


Birmingham City Council will continue to work with Sporting Elite CIC and utilse their services in the future."

N. De-Costa, 

Senior Service Manager – Community Development & Perry Barr Neighbourhood Network Scheme Lead Facilitator

Neighbourhood Development & Support Unit (NDSU)

Are you a Community Group looking for alternative ways to engage your young people?


Then you’re in the right place!


Sporting Elite CIC is an alternative provision for community groups, providing sports and mentoring programmes that engage young people and help them to make better choices.


The truth is...


We both want the same things for our young people... 


  • You want them to believe in themselves 

  • You want them to respect themselves and others

  • You want them to avoid risky behaviours and stay away from the wrong crowd 


But most of all...


  • You want them to make better choices.


But without the right environment, the right support and positive role models


Making better choices will be near impossible for young people


And that's why...


Sporting Elite CIC works with Community Groups, to provide alternative provisions that engage young people 


Where they'll be around positive role models, in safe and supportive environments and getting the support they need.


Making it easier for your young people to make better choices.


Find out more here.

Our Alternative Provisions...
(That's Helping Young People Make Better Choices)

Multi-Sports Programme


Sporting Activities


Our professional sports coaches are experts in a range of sporting activities and will provide a customised engaging and fun sporting package to meet the needs of the Community Group.


  • Football

  • Tennis

  • Dodgeball

  • Basketball

  • Badminton

  • Cricket



How It Works


  1. Sporting Elite CIC Coaches will create a customised sports package based on the needs of the Community Group.  

  2. Sporting Elite will provide the equipment and the coaches, so you only need to turn up and get started

  3. The sports package can be delivered onsite at the Community Group location or at an agreed location.

Empowerment Workshops

We deliver standard and customised workshops that are educational, engaging, inspiring, interactive and fun, for young people.


Employability Workshop


Designed to help young people make an easier transition from education to work. 


Young people will; 

  • Develop the confidence to go after any job they want to 

  • Identify their strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Identify the skills that they need to develop to increase their chances of employment

  • Be prepared to make a smoother transition from education to work 


Knife Crime Workshop 


Designed to inform young people of the dangers of knife crime. 


Young people will;

  • Have an increased awareness of knife crime

  • Understand the impact of knife crime on the community, families and their immediate circle

  • Learn how to stay safe

  • Learn how to make better choices

  • Have the confidence to speak to their families and dissuaded them (where appropriate) of the dangers of knife crime


Drugs & County Lines Workshop


Designed to inform young people of the dangers of county lines


Young people will;

  • Be able to recognise the behaviour of potential groomers 

  • Learn to avoid the ‘wrong’ crowd

  • Understand when they’re at risk of being groomed for criminal activities

  •  Understand the dangers to themselves and their families if they get involved in county lines

  •  Understand the risk to their lives if they get involved in county lines

  • Understand the risk to their future prospects 


 Well-being Workshop


Designed to provide young people with strategies for improving their mental health.


Young people will learn;

  • How to use their personal power to manage their well-being and mental health

  • New strategies to support their well being

  • 5 ways to develop a positive mental attitude

  • The benefits of giving back and how they can start




Sporting Elite’s Professional Mentors work with children and young people to help them build self-confidence, develop resilience, avoid risky behaviours, and help them to make better choices.


Our mentoring programme supports Community Groups, Schools, Parents and other organisations in helping them to provide safe alternatives that engage their young people.


What is mentoring


“Mentoring is a partnership between two people built on trust.


It is a process in which the mentor offers ongoing support and developmental opportunities to the mentee. Addressing issues and blockages identified by the mentee, the mentor offers guidance, counselling and support in the form of pragmatic and objective assistance.


Both share a common purpose of developing a strong two-way learning relationship.” (Jenny Sweeney, quoted in Keele University document, 2014).


Our Mentoring Packages


Standard Mentoring Package
A 10-week Mentoring programme for small groups or working 1:1 with a young person.


The programme is designed to help mentees build self-confidence, develop resilience, increase self-awareness, build emotional intelligence, learn to respect themselves and others, avoid risky behaviours, stay safe and become successful

Customised Mentoring Package

A 10-week mentoring programme for small groups or working 1:1 with a young person.


This programme is tailored to meet the needs of the young person or group and will also include modules from the Standard Mentoring Package where relevant.


How mentoring will benefit your young people.


They will:


  • Make more positive choices


  • Avoid risky behaviours


  • Engages in positive activities that help to build their self-esteem


  • Develop healthier relationships and lifestyle choices


  • Spend time in a positive environment with positive role models.


  • Increase their self-confidence


  • Feel accomplished


  • Develop effective conflict management skills


  • Improve their behaviours


  • Develop positive relationships with parents, teachers, and authority


  • Improve their interpersonal skills


  • Be diverted away from anti-social behaviour and youth violence.


  • Be exposed to new ways of thinking

Sporting Elite CIC Programmes
Put Young People
Around Positive Role Models

& Make it Easier for Them
To Make Better Choices

What Our Clients & Partners Are Saying About Us...

R. Felton, West Midlands Police

The Safe Haven Team consists of three Police Officers working for West Midlands Police, under the Birmingham Partnerships banner.


We work alongside trusted partners in delivering a positive approach to diverting young people away from crime and violence, through the engagement of sport and mentoring with Sporting Elite CIC.

Sporting Elite delivers an amazing service both on and of the pitch and we would not hesitate to work with them in the future

M.Parnell, Newbury School

Sporting Elite exceeded our expectations with their mentoring programme. They provided a safe space for students to express  their feelings

Their great advice and feedback positively impacted the choices that the students made.

We would recommend Sporting Elite to other organisations and we would welcome them back to deliver their mentoring sessions in the future.

J. Graham, Street Games

The difference that sets Sporting Elite CIC apart from many organisations that I work with is their ability to provide consistent delivery of safe, high quality and engaging provision


Their mentoring and employability work has directly reduced the number of young people in the Perry Barr area that are involved in gang-related crim.


I can now see a pathway where some young people who have been impacted by gangs are becoming able to positively mentor the next generation


If you ever told me last April I would be like this I wouldn’t believe you.

I was in a dark place when I first met my Sporting Elite Mentor and since then I have changed a lot.

He checks in on me and got me to go the gym and involved in sports

He has strong family values and reinforces these when talking to you
He is relatable and understands a lot of the things I’ve been through 

 I feel like he genuinely cares about what happens to me and is a face you can trust.

Ready to book an alternative provision for your young people?

Contact Us

Sporting Elite CIC

Great Barr Leisure Centre,

Aldridge Road
Birmingham, West Midlands, B44 8NU

 |  Tel: 07759 863544

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